September is a unique time of year. It is a great time to burn some calories off in your pool after enjoying 9/4 – Eat an Extra Dessert Day, 9/5 – National Cheese Pizza Day, and 9/18 – National Cheeseburger Day.  Your pool offers a great place to unwind, relax, and celebrate on 9/6 – National Read a Book Day. Your pool is the perfect place to celebrate with family on 9/8 – Grandparents Day, 9/16 – National Stepfamily Day, and 9/23 – National Family Day. And, your pool provides a unique backdrop to host a party on 9/19 – International Talk Like a Pirate Day. There are many other September-specific events that present a great opportunity to jump in!


The unofficial end of summer occurs with Labor Day.  Labor Day is a federal holiday in the United States celebrated on the first Monday of September to honor and recognize the American labor movement and the work and contributions of laborers to the development and achievements of the United States. However; most Americans celebrate Labor Day weekend in their pool!  If your favorite season is summer, you may develop some summer-ending blues come September. The month of September has three weeks of summer, so take advantage and enjoy what’s left!


Here in the Northeast, the kids return to school after Labor Day, but what happens when they get home after school and their sports schedule is not stacked yet? Using the pool is a great way for them to exercise, release some pent-up energy from being in school all day, and have healthy fun with their friends.


Autumn officially starts on Sunday, September 22nd. The weather in New Jersey in September is relatively dry making the climate quite comfortable. The average daily temperature for September is 77°F. In New Jersey, the highest recorded temperature in September was 95°F in 2021. On average in New Jersey, the days of September have over twelve hours giving you plenty of time to enjoy your pool. And, if you have a heater, you can control your pool temperature to your liking!


Ever heard of the term local summer? Summer is almost over, but with less beach traffic and warmer ocean temperatures, most locals consider September an ideal time to enjoy the Jersey Shore. The same can be done with your pool! Depending on how you look at things, you may see September as a month of endings or new beginnings. Either way, September offers a lot of opportunities to use your pool. 

*This information is obtained from the Certified Pool and Spa Operator Handbook. This information may not be applicable to your pool based on your pool type and location. One should reference all applicable regulations and standards for your facility.

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