September is an interesting time of year. Most tend to think of it as a new beginning with the start of school for many. We in the pool industry tend to think of it as an ending, as summer ends [...]
About Algae Algae are one-celled non-flowering organisms, typically of aquatic plant life that shows up in your pool. Algae can reproduce rapidly by photosynthesis if all the stars are aligned [...]
There is so much more to swimming pools than meets the eye. And in order for your pool water to appear clear and clean to the eye, proper water chemistry needs to be maintained. Maintaining [...]
What is a homeowner to do when their pool goes from wow to oh no?!?! Between your regularly weekly visits, a world of things could affect the operation of your pool. This may include [...]
Balance is important in everything we do. If you have too much or too little of something, this can cause problems. This rings true with our swimming pool. Our pool water must be balanced to [...]
We have all heard the old adage “April Showers, Bring May Flowers”. Those showers also bring concerns to our swimming pools. When it rains, there are many effects that the rainwater can have on [...]
Pool chemicals are a must for every pool. They are used to maintain healthy water for bathers. Knowing how to use, store, and dispose of your chemicals is a top priority. Even if you have a [...]
Winter weather tends to make us think of summer and when can we open our pools. We don’t typically think that there is anything that needs to be done to our pools in winter. However, that is [...]
We all know swimming pools are expensive. The cost to install, maintain, replace, and/or upgrade can be overwhelming, but there are some ways your pool can actually save you time and money. Here [...]