While it seems like summer is worlds away, we still need to be thinking about our swimming pool. There are many things the winter season can do to affect our pools. We need to be on guard and [...]
When it comes to covering the equipment for the winter, a strong argument can be made either way. Equipment protected from the environment and UV rays will always last longer. Most pool [...]
Winter is Coming Although your pool may remain unused this winter, you definitely do not want to neglect it. Many people think that winterizing a pool just means throwing a pool cover or tarp on [...]
September Client Email: What is the price you will pay? We all know the old adage “Too many cooks spoil the broth/stew/soup.” Well, what happens when you have too many people in the pool? There [...]
See you in September! It’s here, and hard to believe our “summer” has gone by so fast. And, now it is back to school time. And if the kids are back to school, what to do with the pool? Many are [...]
Safety is no Accident! Summer is officially here and so are water accidents. In New Jersey, there have been at least 30 tragic water deaths since May. Water safety is always of utmost importance [...]
Here in the Northeast, weather forecasters have informed us that 20 of the 31 days in May have had some sort of rain. Whether it is light sprinkle or heavy downpours, the rain is affecting us [...]
THE POOL IS OPEN! TIME TO PARTY!?! It’s finally here. The unofficial start of summer is beckoning and the pool is open. Let’s party! This is the mantra of many now. While we LOVE a good pool [...]
“Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’” – Robin Williams Here in the Northeast, spring has always been something of an anomaly. We usually go [...]
Spring is just around the corner and it’s time to think about cleaning up the pool. Before you have your pool opened, you want to clean up your yard. Whether you open the pool yourself [...]