Filtration February


While it is only February and the groundhog saw his shadow forecasting six more weeks of winter, now is the time to think about your pool and any upgrades you may need. The most essential component of your pool is your filtration system. The filtration system is composed of many parts, but the main part is obviously the filter. Your filter is tasked with cleaning the water and removing particles that can lead to cloudy water and contribute to algae growth.


When your pool was built, your filtration should have been designed to operate in the most efficient and hydraulically balanced to provide clean and clear water. Be aware, water chemistry and chemical balance are not a part of filtration. The filtration process is the path of the water from the pool into the pump and then into the filter. The filter is where the water gets “cleansed” using the particular filter media that is in your filter. Your pool is either a sand, cartridge, or diatomaceous earth (D.E.) filter.


The type of filter you have was likely decided by whoever built your pool. Sand filters are the oldest filters in the swimming pool world. They utilize sand to cleanse the water. If you were to look at a grain of sand under a microscope, you would see it has many hard edges. Those edges are what entrap the particles. Over time, those edges become smooth and cannot cleanse, so sand does need to be replaced. The sand usually needs to be replaced every 5-15 years.

DE filters can filter down to the smallest particles. These filters utilize screens, that come in many shapes and sizes, that are coated with DE to perform the cleansing process. DE are diatoms which are tiny fossilized skeletons that have been mined and refined. When backwashing, these screens need to be precoated again with more DE to continue cleansing.

Cartridge filters are the newest filters on the pool market. They can provide more square footage of cleansing in a small amount of space. That is because these pleated cartridges are situated in a compact cylindrical formation with the filter. Cartridges need to cleaned about every six months and most manufacturers recommend replacing the cartridges once a year.


So, what is the best filter? There is no one answer as this depends on the type of body of water you have, the space you have, the amount of people you have swimming, and your personal preference. Sand filters are generally considered the easiest to use. Alternatively, you can use glass media instead of sand in the sand filter. It can filter down to smaller particles than sand helping clear up your water faster, is also very user friendly, and cost saving! Cartridge filters work best on spas. DE filters are said to clear up water the fastest. Are you interested in learning more about your filter or considering replacing your filter? Give us a call and we can let you know what is the best filter for your pool.

*This information is obtained from the Certified Pool and Spa Operator Handbook. This information may not be applicable to your pool based on your pool type and location. One should reference all applicable regulations and standards for your facility.

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