Test shows no residual chlorine level

Possible Cause (in order) Cure
Test reagents or get new test kit Replace reagents or get new test kit
Too much chlorine/bleach out (reagent briefly pink, the clear) Allow chlorine levels to drop or neutralize FAC
High Bather Load Chlorinate
Not Enough or No Free Chlorine Superchlorinate (Breakpoint or Shock)
Not Enough Free Chlorine Raise chlorine to 2.0-3.0 ppm FAC
Chlorine has lost its strength Replace chlorine (more common w/liquid chlorine)
Pool not stabilized Add cyanuric acid to 30-35 ppm (check state code)

Rapid Loss of Chlorine

Possible Cause (in order) Cure
High Bather Load Chlorinate
Pool not stabilized Add cyanuric acid to 30-35 ppm (check state code)
Chlorine has lost its strength Replace chlorine (more common w/liquid chlorine)

Strong chlorine "Chloramine "Smell

Possible Cause (in order) Cure
Not Enough or No Free Chlorine Superchlorinate (Breakpoint or Shock)
High Bather Load Chlorinate
Chlorine has lost its strength Replace chlorine (more common w/liquid chlorine)

Green color, pools feels "slimy"

Possible Cause (in order) Cure
Not Enough or No Free Chlorine Superchlorinate (Breakpoint or Shock)
Growth of Algae Superchlorinate, if not effective use specific algaecide
Chlorine has lost its strength Replace chlorine (more common w/liquid chlorine)
Improper Water Balance Determine Saturation Index, adjust pool accordingly

Green, brown or black algae spots on wall

Possible Cause (in order) Cure
Not Enough or No Free Chlorine Superchlorinate (Breakpoint or Shock)
Growth of Algae Superchlorinate, if not effective use specific algaecide
Chlorine has lost its strength Replace chlorine (more common w/liquid chlorine)
pH too high Adjust downward (7.4-7.6ppm)

Bad water taste or smell (not chlorine odor)

Possible Cause (in order) Cure
Inadequate Filtration Clean filter, check for problems with valves, gauges or pipes
High Bather Load Chlorinate
High Total Dissolved Solid Levels Test for total dissolved solids
Too much calcium Test for calcium levels. If more than 400 ppm, drain some of pool water to waster and re-fill pool
(if high calcium fill water, truck fresh water from outside source)
Not Enough or No Free Chlorine Superchlorinate (Breakpoint or Shock)
Not Enough Free Chlorine Raise chlorine to 2.0-3.0 ppm FAC
Chlorine has lost its strength Replace chlorine (more common w/liquid chlorine)

Skin Irritation

Possible Cause (in order) Cure
Not Enough or No Free Chlorine Superchlorinate (Breakpoint or Shock)
pH too low Adjust upward (7.4-7.6ppm)
pH too high Adjust downward (7.4-7.6ppm)
Too much chlorine/bleach out (reagent briefly pink, the clear) Allow chlorine levels to drop or neutralize FAC
Chlorine has lost its strength Replace chlorine (more common w/liquid chlorine)
Total alkalinity too low Adjust upward (80-120 ppm)

Severe Eye Irritation

Possible Cause (in order) Cure
Not Enough or No Free Chlorine Superchlorinate (Breakpoint or Shock)
pH too low Adjust upward (7.4-7.6ppm)
pH too high Adjust downward (7.4-7.6ppm)
High Bather Load Chlorinate
Chlorine has lost its strength Replace chlorine (more common w/liquid chlorine)
Total alkalinity too low Adjust upward (80-120 ppm)

Corrosion or Etching of Plaster

Possible Cause (in order) Cure
Improper Water Balance Determine Saturation Index, adjust pool accordingly
Too little calcium in water Test calcium level, adjust upward (200-400ppm)
pH too low Adjust upward (7.4-7.6ppm)
Total alkalinity too low Adjust upward (80-120 ppm)

White Scale Deposits

Possible Cause (in order) Cure
Improper Water Balance Determine Saturation Index, adjust pool accordingly
Too much calcium Test for calcium levels. If more than 400 ppm, drain some of pool water to waster and re-fill pool (if high calcium fill water, truck fresh water from outside source)
High Total Dissolved Solid Levels Test for total dissolved solids, If more than 1000 ppm off some pool water to waste and re-fill pool
Unwanted minerals or metals Allow 12 hr turnover of pool water close skimmer lines if can isolate. If no improvement, determine saturation index, adjust accordingly. If still no improvement, use sequesteration to hold in solution orchelating to help remove them.
pH too high Adjust downward (7.4-7.6ppm)
Total alkalinity too high Adjust downward (80-120 pm)

Cloudy Pool Water

Possible Cause (in order) Cure
High Bather Load Chlorinate
Not Enough or No Free Chlorine Superchlorinate (Breakpoint or Shock)
Not Enough Free Chlorine Raise chlorine to 2.0-3.0 ppm FAC
Inadequate Filtration Clean filter, check for problems with valves, gauges or pipes
Improper Water Balance Determine Saturation Index, adjust pool accordingly
High Total Dissolved Solid Levels Test for total dissolved solids, If more than 1000ppm off some pool water to waste and re-fill pool
Too much calcium Test for calcium levels. If more than 400 ppm, rain some of pool water to waster and re-fill pool (if high calcium fill water, truck fresh water from outside source)
Unwanted minerals or metals Allow 12 hr turnover of pool water close skimmer lines if can isolate. If no improvement, determine saturation index, adjust accordingly. If still no improvement, use sequesteration to hold in solution or chelating to help remove them.
pH too high Adjust downward (7.4-7.6ppm)
Total alkalinity too high Adjust downward (80-120 pm)
Chlorine has lost its strength Replace chlorine (more common w/liquid chlorine)

Greenish Water Color (not algae)

Possible Cause (in order) Cure
Improper Water Balance Determine Saturation Index, adjust pool accordingly
Inadequate Filtration Clean filter, check for problems with valves, gauges or pipes
Unwanted minerals or metals Allow 12 hr turnover of pool water close skimmer lines if can isolate. If no improvement, determine saturation index, adjust accordingly. If still no improvement, use sequesteration to hold in solution orchelating to help remove them.
High Total Dissolved Solid Levels Test for total dissolved solids, If more than 1000 ppm off some pool water to waste and re-fill pool
pH too low Adjust upward (7.4-7.6ppm)
Total alkalinity too low Adjust upward (80-120 ppm)

Reddish or Brown Stains

Possible Cause (in order) Cure
Improper Water Balance Determine Saturation Index, adjust pool accordingly
Inadequate Filtration Clean filter, check for problems with valves, gauges or pipes
Unwanted minerals or metals Allow 12 hr turnover of pool water close skimmer lines if can isolate. If no improvement, determine saturation index, adjust accordingly. If still no improvement, use sequesteration to hold in solution or chelating to help remove them.
High Total Dissolved Solid Levels Test for total dissolved solids, If more than 1000 ppm off some pool water to waste and re-fill pool Determine Saturation Index, adjust pool accordingly

Water turns blue, brown or blackish when chlorine is added to the pool

Possible Cause (in order) Cure
Improper Water Balance Determine Saturation Index, adjust pool accordingly
Inadequate Filtration Clean filter, check for problems with valves, gauges or pipes
Unwanted minerals or metals Allow 12 hr turnover of pool water close skimmer lines if can isolate. If no improvement, determine saturation index, adjust accordingly. If still no improvement, use sequesteration to hold in solution or chelating to help remove them.
High Total Dissolved Solid Levels Test for total dissolved solids, If more than 1000 ppm off some pool water to waste and re-fill pool
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