
This Certified Pool/Spa Operator® Certification course is a one-day virtual class (Eastern time) that reviews such topics as water chemistry, pool calculations, risk and liability, management, pumps and filters, etc. YOU MUST HAVE COMPLETED THE PRIMER COURSE TO ATTEND THIS ONE DAY SESSION. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLETION MUST BE SENT AND PRESENTED PRIOR TO ACCESS TO CLASS.  It includes access to an E-book for the exam, handouts emailed prior to your session, and a certification if you successfully pass the exam. A book will be shipped to you home address at a later date. Due to COVID-19, book shipments may be delayed. This is a national certification that is good for five years (three years in MA). Check with your state health department to see if they accept this format. This will be a live session via Zoom.

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The Certified Pool/Spa Operator® Certification course is a one-day virtual class (Eastern time) that reviews such topics as water chemistry, pool calculations, risk and liability, management, pumps and filters, etc. YOU MUST HAVE COMPLETED THE PRIMER COURSE TO ATTEND. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLETION MUST BE SENT AND PRESENTED PRIOR TO ACCESS TO CLASS.  It includes access to an E-book for the exam, handouts emailed prior to your session, and a certification if you successfully pass the exam. A book will be shipped to you home address at a later date. Due to COVID-19, book shipments may be delayed. This is a national certification that is good for five years (three years in MA). Check with your state health department to see if they accept this format. This is a live ZOOM class.

This will be a live session via Zoom. You will need to download this application prior to the seminar. You can participate via your computer, phone, or tablet, but need an internet connection and you MUST HAVE A WEBCAM!  You need to be able to fully utilize your computer on your own as when you test you are not permitted to have anyone else in the room with you.

When you enroll in a course, you will receive an invitation to join the class and receive class notes via email prior to your class date. You will need to ensure that you are registered and all your contact information is verified, so it is imperative that you return our phone calls and respond timely to our emails. You will be required to show your ID (and online certification of completion if applicable) to the instructor during the registration process.

REFUND POLICY: In the event that you cannot attend, a refund may be requested 14 days before the course. However, there is $35 cancellation fee. Within 14 days of the course or if you fail to attend, no refund will be given.


BOOK POLICY: Books are only shipped to the home address. If you want the materials shipped to the business address and they are lost, a new book must be purchased for $75. Books will not be sent during the late period, which is the two weeks before the start of the class.

Additional information


VIRTUAL 2025, February 9, 2025, March 8, 2025, March 19, 2025, March 23, 2025, April 2, 2025, April 18, 2025, April 27, 2025, May 7, 2025, May 18, 2025, May 21, 2025, May 23, 2025, May 29, 2025, June 8, 2025, June 11, 2025, June 17, 2025, June 25, 2025, June 29, 2025, July 8, 2025, July 17, 2025, July 27, 2025, August 6, 2025, August 20, 2025, August 24, 2025, September 14, 2025, September 17, 2025, October 3, 2025, October 15, 2025, October 19, 2025, November 9, 2025, November 18, 2025, December 7, 2025, December 10, 2025