Swimming Pool Management Tips: Removing Pollen From A Swimming Pool

It’s finally getting to that time of year that pool owners can start getting excited about warmer weather and swimming season. While this is exciting, there are some swimming pool management tips you will need to prepare for the upcoming swimming season. Something allergy muddlers can relate to is understanding how to remove pollen from the pool. With the warmer weather comes pollen and you need to know how to keep your pool pristine. Let’s find out how to beat the pollen problem this Spring. 

Trees To Look Out For

While pollen comes from countless types of trees and plants, there are some extra problematic trees that you should be aware of for proper swimming pool management. Pine and oak trees produce a great amount of pollen. This is especially when they are in full bloom during the Spring. If you have Oak, Pine, or other large trees near your pool, you need to be on high alert. 

The Problem With Pollen

So what is the big deal with pollen in the water? It will not exactly make you sneeze while swimming, but it can cause many problems for anyone involved with swimming pool management. One issue is that it uses up the sanitizer, requiring you to clean the pool more often. It can also turn into algae if left untreated. Pollen can get into pool filters and baskets, causing them to become clogged – which brings a host of pool sanitation issues. The simple fact is, you don’t want to let the pollen issue go untreated.


Removing Pollen From Pool Water

If you want to carry out swimming pool management during the spring, you’re going to need some tips on removing pollen from water. First, you will need to clean the filters and baskets more frequently, as well as netting the water surface more than you would outside of pollen season. You may also want to consider replacing your filter media and Spring is a great time to make the replacement. Attacking the problem at the source is another way to reduce pollen. Prune your trees at the beginning of pollen season. 

While maintaining the proper pool chemistry is always important, it is best to be extra vigilant in your water testing and chemical balancing during the pollen season. Make sure you have all of the right chemicals and use them according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Regularly shock the pool with chlorine. This will help kill off all organic matter and prevent your pool from turning green or yellow with bacterial buildup. Finally, make sure your pool water level is at the correct level during the pollen season. This will make the pollen enter the skimmer baskets rather than fall to the bottom of the pool. 


Swimming Pool Management Experts

This is only a basic overview of swimming pool maintenance during the pollen season. To learn more, go to the experts at Pool Operation Management. The CPO® certification class is a great start to becoming a pool expert. Our award-winning pool operator training courses show you how to properly operate a swimming pool or spa facility. Our two-day courses offer a wealth of information and training in everything from pool chemicals to energy conservation to risk and liability. We also offer professional pool maintenance for both residential and commercial pools, pool operation consulting, and can even act as an expert witness in pool-related legal cases. For the very best in pool operation, contact us today.

*This information is obtained from the Certified Pool and Spa Operator Handbook. This information may not be applicable to your pool based on your pool type and location. One should reference all applicable regulations and standards for your facility.

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